Does jumping rope have benefits ? The answer is yes. Stay to meet them! The skipping rope is a simple and extremely compact gymnastics device. It is familiar to us from our earliest childhood. The rope requires little space to use, unlike large gym equipment. Despite its low price, the rope can serve you faithfully for many years. It will be a great help in building a beautiful figure and will not bring you a periodic "recharge" of money, unlike a gym.

In the United States, jumping rope is known as "skipping" . Surprisingly, in the 1980s, jump rope was considered a separate sport in several countries. What's more, sports federations were created for the followers of the activity, which continue to function today.

The benefits of jumping rope

Don't miss out on the benefits of jumping rope

When you know the  benefits of jumping rope , surely you will be encouraged to buy a rope and start using it every day. This activity gives you physical and psychological advantages. In addition, it is good for children and adults of all ages.

Jumping rope is good for the bones!

The benefits of jumping rope for the bones

Jumping rope can help you increase your bone density . Studies in premenopausal women have shown that jumping rope can improve bone mineral density in the hip joint. Bone density tends to decrease with age, leading to osteomalacia (significant softening of the bones) and osteoporosis, as well as predisposing you to fractures. Increasing bone density, for example by skipping, can reduce the risk of these problems.

The rope is a proven tool to work the figure. With this activity , you will achieve muscular legs, beautiful definition in the shoulders, firm arms, toned hips and buttocks, and a flat stomach. If you dream of this figure, you just need to start training on a rope.

Work all the muscles!

Jump rope which muscles does it work?

The benefits of jumping rope are recommended for men who want to look stronger. Jumping rope strengthens the entire body. The movement primarily trains the legs (the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, general leg muscles, and ankles). It also trains the core, biceps and shoulders.

Improves the cardiovascular system

Improve the cardiovascular system with the jump rope

If you are looking for an effective alternative to boring cardio exercises, the jump rope is perfect for you. Jumping rope is a vigorous exercise. A minute of intense exercise is all good for your health (such as reduced risk of heart disease and diabetes). It is preferable to two minutes of moderate exercise in any other activity (such as a brisk walk or a game of tennis). Incorporate jumping rope into your routine and get the same benefits as moderate intensity exercise, but in about half the time!

Just 10 minutes of jumping rope is equivalent to 2 games of tennis or 12 minutes of swimming.  Jump rope is an excellent cardiovascular exercise.

Gain strength and power

Improve strength by jumping rope

Once you've mastered the basic jump rope technique, you can try new moves like the double jump. The double jump requires you to come up with more power and height. Practicing this advanced move can be a great way to increase your explosive power. This, in turn, can help you in sports like basketball, where vertical jumps are very important.

Improve your agility with the jump rope

Improving agility is one of the benefits of jumping rope

The correct way to jump rope is to start from the balls of your toes. This helps you develop good footwork and agility. This benefit of jumping rope is particularly interesting for sports where you need to change direction very quickly (why do you think it's one of the basic exercises for boxers ?). If you practice any other sport, be it soccer, basketball, volleyball or tennis, a jump rope will help you improve in that activity as well.

Improve your coordination

Jumping rope favors the coordination of movements

Jumping rope requires a lot of coordination. Your hands, feet, and sometimes even your eyes have to work together to make sure you move the rope correctly, jump over it at the right time, and repeat the pattern in a steady rhythm. This high level of coordination can seem challenging at first. If you are able to maintain it, you will see your basic skills improve. If this happens, you'll be able to learn new footwork patterns and tricks, which will help you stay motivated and continue to improve.

Improves balance

One benefit of skipping is that it improves balance.

Jumping rope can be an effective way to improve balance. A study with young soccer players revealed that jumping rope as part of regular soccer training can be an additional method to improve balance (and coordination of movements).

The study explains that when you jump rope, you need to regain your balance between each jump. You also need good balance to be able to jump back up effectively. Other research has determined that lower muscle power (which can be trained by jumping) can be associated with greater agility and therefore better balance. Also, you can do certain exercises on the rope, like skipping or skipping from side to side. These exercises will challenge your balance!

Exercise the muscles of the hands

Jump rope to strengthen hands

If you want an exercise to have strong hands , use the jump rope. The muscles of the hands are exercised because the frequency of their contractions is almost 30 times greater than when running.

Jump rope to lose weight

jump rope lose weight

Skipping rope is also a great weight loss aid. A person who performs about 100 jumps per minute  on a rope burns about 200 kcal in 15-20 minutes . In other words, a one hour workout will burn 600-700 calories.  In terms of effectiveness, such training can be compared, for example, with running or exercising on an exercise bike.

Jumping regularly with a rope allows you to eliminate inches in the hips and legs, tone muscles and counteract cellulite. In principle, do not jump rope  every day. This could be too hard on your body. It's best to gradually use the rope more and more.

A fan of the jump rope was the boxer Mohammed Ali .  He spent 45 minutes on this exercise, jumping 3 times for 15 minutes with one minute of rest.  In 60 seconds, Ali managed to do about 220 jumps.

Muhammad Ali jumping rope
Boxer Muhammad Ali.

Jump rope Mental benefits

The  benefits of jumping rope are also for your mind. This exercise will simply make you feel better about yourself. See what it can do for you!

It relieves stress and is fun.

Full-body coordination, which this activity requires, can be a challenge at first. However, with perseverance, you will improve your skills quickly. When you do, the jump rope will become a very entertaining and motivating activity. It will be the perfect time to disconnect from problems and have a good time.

Improve your spatial awareness

Believe it or not, it is good to jump rope  regularly because it can improve your spatial awareness . This is because, when jumping rope, you must constantly be aware of what is in front, behind and to the sides, especially if you are in a small space; otherwise you could hit nearby objects with the rope.

Improving your spatial awareness through the rope will undoubtedly make you a better athlete. In many situations, spatial awareness and agility can go a long way.

Use the jump rope as a meditation activity

Although it is an intense exercise, it is also the perfect opportunity to practice meditation . You can close your eyes and pay attention to the sound of the rope against the ground, your number of jumps, or whatever else seems important to you. Meditation is the best way to reduce stress and combat anxiety. If you use meditation while jumping, you will get even more out of it. You will feel a great carelessness and, perhaps, you will find the necessary motivation to learn new tricks. Use the rope as your moment of disconnection .

Mental benefits of jumping rope

Benefits of jumping rope for children

One of the main  benefits of jumping rope in children is that it combats childhood obesity. Any activity that gets the child moving is welcome. Skipping prevents the risk of cardiovascular diseases in childhood and in life. Exercise makes the heart work better and pump blood faster. As children build their stamina on the rope, they will want to jump higher and longer. They won't stop burning calories!

 Benefits of jumping rope for children

Jumping activities increase calcium levels, much needed for children to develop and maintain healthy bones. Children will improve their coordination and spatial awareness . For example, it favors eye-hand coordination or synchrony of the feet. It is one of the most complete exercises for a child.

In addition, regular jumping rope helps the brain of the little ones to function properly. This simple exercise can even increase concentration and memory in children.

The game of the rope can be carried out in a group. In this case, boys and girls can participate in skill challenges. Some example games are double jumps or double jumps . These games improve social skills because they ensure that children work together. The rope encourages group play and the child's motivation to improve her skills.

Make sure that the child learns to jump properly and motivate him. Remember that the equipment necessary to do this skill has to be of quality. The rope should be the  appropriate length for the height of the child . Purchase a jump rope that is comfortable enough that it is easy to hold. Children also need appropriate footwear that provides stability and comfort. Choosing a suitable surface to jump onis also important. They should jump on a cushioned, non-slip surface, such as a carpet or a standard tile floor. Jumping with the correct technique prevents injuries to children's legs, especially injuries to the calf and tibia (the front and back of the shin). If you have a child, encourage him to participate in other physical activities to help him reach his peak physical condition as he gets older. 

How to choose the jump rope according to height and maximize the benefits

To determine your choice of rope, you should focus on a few generally accepted standards. Based on the height of a person, the camber rope is chosen as follows:

  • • Height of 150 cm: Length of the rope = 1.8 m
  • • Height 151-167 cm: Rope length = 2.5 m
  • • Height 168-175 cm: Rope length = 2.8 m
  • • Height 176-183 cm: Rope length = 3 m
  • • Height from 183 cm: Rope length = 3.5-3.8 m

Enhance the  benefits of jumping rope by choosing the right rope for you.

What kind of jump rope to buy?

Types of jump rope

Jump ropes are divided into four main types:

1. Simple or basic jump rope . It is the most common in training. Basic jump ropes are made of rope, plastic, or rubber. In most cases, the length of the rope cannot be adjusted. These jump ropes are the cheapest, so they can be a good starting point.

2. High speed rope . The handles of this model are equipped with special bearings that significantly increase the number of jumps that can be made per minute. The length of the speed rope is usually adjustable. Its use allows you to increase the intensity. It also benefits those who want to lose weight. To practice with the speed rope, it is essential that you have some experience jumping rope. Otherwise, it can be very painful to hit your back and legs if you lose your concentration and balance.

3. Weighted jump rope . This jump rope has extra weight on the handles . In the manufacture of this product, special materials and removable weights are used. The weighted or weighted rope offers a greater load for the upper body. It is quite difficult to deal with her without proper preparation.

4. Electronic rope or with built-in counter . It has a mechanical counter that registers the number of turns of the cable made . On the other hand, the electronic counter also records the number of calories burned , the duration of the exercise and other parameters. The length of a jump rope with a built-in counter is generally not adjustable. This product is more expensive than other types of jump ropes, but much cheaper than more advanced simulators.

Why have different types of strings? Because you can take advantage of different physical benefits of jumping rope . For example, if you want to improve your speed, you can use a speed rope ; and if you want to increase your strength, use a weighted rope . Also the materials of the product can vary. You should pay attention to the material. The rope can be made of rubber, leather, rope and even steel. The handles are also different: plastic, wooden and metal.

Advanced jump rope exercises

Before you start jumping rope, be sure to warm up. We advise you to jump in  sneakers  to reduce the load on the joints and the risk of injury. You can place a gym mat under your feet to muffle the sound of jumping.

  • •  Basic jumps . Jump in place by twisting the rope at a moderate pace. In this case, you need to bounce on your toes. A jump and a rotation of the rope. You can complicate the exercise by doing two rotations in one jump.
  • •  Jumps on one leg . This is a simple but very effective exercise. Try to jump on one leg first and bend the other. Then change them.
  • •  The pendulum (jumping back and forth) . Do a rotation, but do not jump on the spot, but forward and backward.
  • • Lateral jump ropes . This exercise is similar to the previous one, but during the jump you need to change the posture to the side.

Few exercises offer so many advantages for so little money. Jump rope is one of the most accessible, fun, and useful exercises that almost anyone can do. As with any other physical activity, be sure to consult your doctor before beginning, especially if you have an injury, illness, or are pregnant.

Take your first steps with the jump rope

Jumping rope does not require any prior knowledge. All you need is a rope of the correct size, a suitable surface, comfortable clothing and some knowledge of the correct technique.

To choose your rope correctly, grasp the grips with both hands, place one foot in the center of the rope, and pull the grips against your chest so they are even. If the top of the grips reaches your armpits, the rope is the proper size. If the grips don't reach, you need a longer rope. If the rope is too long, you can adjust its length by using the locking device inside the handle (many ropes have this) or by tying a strong knot under the handles on either side of the rope.

Do not jump on very hard surfaces, such as concrete or asphalt, as they can damage your joints. Especially soft soils, such as grass and sand, are also not good. They do not provide enough grip (also, the rope can get tangled in the grass and sand). There are special mats for jumping rope. You can buy one of these or use a thin yoga mat. Jumping on a mat helps you soften the impact on the joints. You can also jump on wood or any gym floor.

As for clothes , normal sneakers are fine. Any comfortable clothing that isn't too thick will do (so it doesn't get caught on the rope).

Benefits of jumping rope for women

Who should avoid jumping rope

Does skipping provide benefits for everyone or should some people avoid it? Not everyone can train with a rope. It is not recommended for those suffering from the following diseases or problems:

  • • Injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
  • • Weak heart.
  • • Asthma.
  • • Hypertension.
  • • Diseases of the cartilage and joints.
  • • Problems with the knees.
  • • Phlebeurysma (varicose veins in the lower extremities).
  • • Eye sight problems.
  • • Overweight and others.

It is best to consult a doctor before jumping.

Summary of the benefits of jumping rope daily

When you have already learned the technique and are advanced, you will be able  to jump rope every day without problems. Still not up? Read once again the  benefits of skipping . You can  jump rope at age 50 or during childhood. This activity is good for men and women of any age.

  • • Develop your flexibility.
  • • Promotes your correct posture.
  • • It is used to learn to coordinate movements.
  • • Jumping rope slims belly (burns calories; about 1000 kcal per hour).
  • • Jumping rope tones a large number of muscles. The benefits of jumping rope for the buttocks and abdomen are noted.
  • • Reduces cellulite.
  • • Improves the work of the respiratory system.
  • • Improves the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • • Removes the feeling of hunger and offers many other advantages.

When jumping rope, what muscles work ? The calf muscles are actively involved in this exercise. They usually get tired faster. The muscles of the buttocks, biceps femoris, iliac muscles, biceps and quadriceps are also worked. Although to a lesser extent, the workload also falls on the abdominal muscles, biceps, forearms and small muscles of the hands.

Does jumping rope have benefits on an empty stomach ? Yes. If you want to lose fat, you can skip fasting to further boost calorie burning. With just one hour of jumping rope, 700 to 1,200 kilocalories are burned. For every 100 jumps, you will burn 45 to 80 kilocalories. This depends on your body weight. For comparison, an hour of running burns 600 kcal. Skipping is excellent for losing weight .

Jump rope is such an easy exercise! You just have to swing a rope around your body and jump on it when it passes under your feet. It is a form of cardiovascular exercise, since constant movement raises the heart rate. As you have learned, the basic concept of jump rope is simple. Depending on your fitness goals, you can use the jump rope in many different ways. This exercise is widely used as a complement to other activities: boxing, bodybuilding, crossfit, soccer...

For example, some people go at a fast pace to train their speed and agility, while others focus on developing explosive power. Others use the rope as a creative outlet to try more unusual moves, like dancing.

Of course, how you handle the rope is completely up to you. While jumping rope can be a great exercise on its own, you can also use it as a warm-up or cool-down before weight training, or combine it with bodyweight exercises in your sports training. You decide how to take advantage of the  benefits of jumping rope !

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