Hey, wait a minute! Do not say more! You are a skinny and you want to gain muscle mass, right? Don't worry. We have all been there. I myself designed this 3-day routine to gain strength and muscle volume in the gym. It has worked so well for me over the last year that I thought "why not share it?". Seriously, give it a try because you're going to like it a lot; and my results speak for themselves.

In this  three-day routine , the exercises and their execution order have been carefully selected so that the practitioner can apply maximum force. You will see that exercises for different muscle groups are interspersed. This is so that no muscle group takes power away from another so you can apply your maximum power to each exercise. The routine is based on explosive training with high repetitions to gain strength ( Bilbo method ). The distribution is very simple: on Monday the back and triceps are done, on Wednesday the legs and biceps are trained, and on Friday the pectoral and shoulders are worked on. A rest day is left between each training. You can download this routine in PDF .

3-day routine for hypertrophy, explosiveness and strength

It is very important that you do the exercises in the proposed order and follow the advice that I indicate. 

How to train? On the first set of each exercise, you'll do as many reps as you can, but don't go to failure . Save some reps in the chamber. After several workouts, he sets a record day for max reps. After making your record, increase weight to the exercise in the next training. I will indicate the weights that you must raise in each exercise. Start the exercises with a weight that allows you to do about 30 repetitions (this is 50% of the 1RM, more or less).

Day 1: Dorsal and triceps

Ideally, this day would be Monday.

•  Pull ups

- Warm-up: You can do a couple of sets of 12 repetitions on the pulldown machine (with a light weight).

- 1 series x maximum repetitions (start with only your body weight). When you set a record, gain 2.5 kg of weight in the next training.

- 2 more series of work (the repetitions you want).

•  Deadlift : 

- Warm-up: 2 series of 12 repetitions only with the bar.

- Series of approach: Between 8 and 4 repetitions.

- 1 series x maximum repetitions (effective). When you make a record, gain 5 or 10 kg of weight in the next training.

*Reserve the mixed grip or straps for the max rep set. You can also use some gym gloves in this series.

*Note: The day you have to break a rep record in the deadlift, place this exercise first. Do pull-ups as the second exercise.

•  Barbell Pendlay Row (supinated grip) : 

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If you set a record, gain 5 kg in the next training.

- 1 more series of work (do the repetitions you want).

• Gironda rowing machine : 

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. When you make a record, move one more plate up on the machine for the next workout.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions you want).

• French press : 

- Warm-up: 15 repetitions only with the bar.

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. When you make a record, add 2.5 kg in the next training.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions you want).

•  Pulldown to the chest with a long and neutral grip :

If you don't have the long neutral grip, you can use the regular pulldown grip with your hands outstretched.

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If you make a record, add one more plate in the machine the next day.

- 1 more series of work (do the repetitions you want).

•  Pulley rope triceps extension :

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. When you make a record, put one more plate in the next training.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions you want to do).

• Press with close grip in Multipower and slightly inclined bench :

Incline the bench only about 15º.

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If you set a record, add 2.5 kg more in the next training.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions you want).

•  T-bar row:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. Add 5 kg more in the next training when you make a record.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions you want).

 Pulley straight grip triceps extension :

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. When you make a record, add one more plate in the next training session.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions you want).

In this  3-day hypertrophy routine , we will leave Tuesday to rest.

Day 2: Legs and biceps

This day would be Wednesday.

• Squat:

- Warm-up: 2 series of 12 repetitions only with the bar.

- Approach series: Between 8 and 4 repetitions (as many approach series as you need).

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. When you make a record, gain 5 kg more in the next day.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions you want).

•  Z-bar biceps curl:

- Warm-up: 15 repetitions only with the bar.

- Approach series: Between 10 and 6 repetitions.

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If you set a record, gain 2.5 kg more in the next training.

- 1 more series of work (for the repetitions you want).

• Leg press:

- Approach series between 8 and 6 repetitions (if you need them).

- 1 series x 20 repetitions. Gain 12 pounds more in the next workout and try to hit 20 reps again.

- 1 series x 10 repetitions with 10 kg more than the previous series.

•  Lying femoral curl:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If you break a record, climb one more plaque on the next training day.

- 1 more series of work (for the repetitions you want to do).

• Dumbbell Double Hammer Curl:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If setting a record, grab the next pair of dumbbells at the next workout (ideally, the dumbbells should be 2kg heavier).

- 2 more series of work (choose the repetitions you want).

• Sumo deadlift:

- 1 approach series x 10 repetitions (or the series you need according to the working weight).

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If you break a record, gain 5 kg more in the next training. If it's record day, you can set up the sumo deadlift as the third exercise (after the biceps curl).

• Machine quadriceps extension:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If you make a record, upload one more plaque the next day.

- 1 more series of work (for the repetitions you need).

• Scott Bench Curl:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. Here, we will always try for records, regardless of the result. We will add 2.5 kg in the next training.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions you want).

We will leave Thursday to rest in our  3-day gym routine .

Day 3: Pectoral and shoulder

This day should be Friday.

• Flat bench press:

- Warm-up: 2 series of 12 repetitions only with the bar:

- Approach series between 8 and 4 repetitions (the ones you need to get closer to the working weight).

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. We will always try for a record. We will add 2.5 kg to the bar in the next training.

- 2 more series of work (we choose the number of repetitions that we want).

• Incline dumbbell bench press:

The inclination of the bank will be between 15 and 30º.

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. When we achieve a record, we'll pick up the next pair of dumbbells in the next workout (ideally, dumbbells about 2kg heavier).

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions that we want).

 Dips in parallels:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions with our body weight. When we reach a rep record, we will add 2.5 kg of ballast to our body weight in the next workout.

- 1 more series of work with our own body weight.

• Flyes with dumbbells on a flat bench:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If we break a record, we will take dumbbells about 2 kg heavier in the next training.

- 1 more series of work (for the repetitions that we want to do).

• Crossover with pulley cables:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If we make a record, we add one more plate to the tower in the next day.

• Standing Barbell Military Press

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If we make a record, we add 2.5 kg more to the bar on the next day.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions that we want).

• Bench Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If we break a record, we will take dumbbells about 2 kg heavier in the next training.

- 1 more series of work (for the repetitions that we want to do).

• Triset of lateral elevations + front elevations + seated rear lateral raises:

This triset of our  3-day gym routine is pretty tough. We will explain how it is done.

- 1 triseries x maximum repetitions. Use the same weight and do the same number of repetitions for laterals, frontals, and rear lateral raises on the bench. Do all three sets in a row. If you manage to break a rep record, use 2kg heavier dumbbells for the tri set the next day.

- 1 more triset of work (the repetitions you want to do).

• Incline Press on plates machine:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If you make a record, put 2.5 kg more on plates for the next training day.

- 1 more series of work (do the repetitions you need).

• Straight bar trapezius shrugs:

- 1 series x maximum repetitions. If you break the record, add 5 kg more to the bar the next day.

- 1 more series of work (the repetitions you want).

We will leave Saturday and Sunday to rest and fully recover. We will start again with the  volume routine of three days on Monday of the following week.

My muscle volume results after a year with this training ;) :

Results with 3-day hypertrophy routine Results with volume routine of three days

Tips to do this routine 3 days of bodybuilding

• As we have indicated, start the exercises with a weight that allows you to do 30 repetitions (except the leg press, which is always done at 20 repetitions). Do several workouts with that weight (without going to muscle failure) until you set a day to do a record for maximum repetitions. Then, increase the weights as we have indicated in each exercise. As the months go by, you will reach a weight with which you can only do about 8 or 6 repetitions. Then, it will be time to go back to the weight you started with (which you could do about 30 reps with) and try to beat your old record. Try to beat your records at all weights to get further and further (and you can do 8 or 6 repetitions with an increasing weight, at the end of several months of training).

• It is very important that you do not reach muscular failure every day, neither in the main series nor in the other work series. Save replays! Save muscle failure for the days you're going to make a record.

• Don't do any more extra work. In most exercises, 2 or 3 effective series are done. It's enough. That's a lot of exercises! The 3-day routine is very well planned. You can just add a little abdominal and calf work (only if you have the time).

• The first set of each exercise is the most important. In it, you have to try to exceed the repetitions of the previous training (without reaching failure). You will only reach failure on the day you are going to make a record.

• Consume more calories than you expend and plenty of protein, and rest well, to gain muscle volume with this routine.

Why do a three-day routine for strength and hypertrophy?

A  routine 3 days in the gym  is a training plan in which you train 3 times a week. The goal of the 3-day split is to target different muscle groups in each training session and train them separately. The program is designed to train different muscle groups each day. The goal is for you to be able to rest and build strength during your workout. This routine offers you a good balance between results and saving time.

A three-day training split can be a good way to plan a week at the gym if you're short on time or don't want to hit the gym 5 times a week . The different variations of the three-day training cycle are undoubtedly the most used in gyms around the world.

Also, the  three day hypertrophy routine  can be quite effective, especially for beginners , as it gives different muscle groups plenty of time to recover. In a traditional 3-day split for beginners, you train a muscle group mostly just once a week, AND leave about 7 days of rest for that muscle group! If you are looking for a more advanced training plan that includes high volume exercises, our  three day routine will also work for you.

The 3-day split is one of the best options for beginners because it's simple and straightforward . Often even a simple routine can give you the best results if you just stick with it.

Is this three-day routine for women useful?

Yes. Women can benefit from doing this workout.

Can I use the 3 day routine for definition?

Yes. There is no problem, although you will be tired and you will not be able to get the most out of the repetition records. However, with the correct diet, the  3-day definition routine  will help you burn more calories.

Download the 3-day routine in PDF

Here we give you the PDF of the three-day routine for you to download:

In Spanish:

Routine 3 days in Spanish.

In English:

3 days workout in english.

If you look at professional bodybuilders, event-goers who are very serious about their training, they barely follow a 3-day hypertrophy routine . To achieve their particular goals of extreme growth, they have to undergo an equally extreme training regimen.

IFBB athletes sometimes train multiple times a day. It must be taken into account that the amount of food they consume is in accordance with their muscle volume training. Every time you tear your muscles, they provide your body with enough nutrients to allow them to recover properly.

The advantage of the  3-day routine for the gym  is that it adapts to most people. It is suitable for people who are not looking to compete professionally in bodybuilding events and just want to stay active and build muscle. A 3-day training cycle allows you to train your entire body while getting plenty of rest. It is very effective for those who follow it and are constant.

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